
News in 2025

The Hindu carried news about 2 dialysis machines inauguration at Retteri unit

Chennaiplus Blogspot carried news about Retteri dialysis unit getting 2 new machines

Times of India carried curtain-raiser news about World Kidney Day 2025

The carried news about Padi unit dialysis machine inauguration

The Hindu carried news about dialysis machine inauguration at Padi

Community paper Nanganallur Times published news about Valluvarkottam dialysis machine inauguration

The Hindu carried news about Valluvarkottam unit’s dialysis machine inauguration

Times of India published news about Valluvarkottam unit’s dialysis machine inauguration

Chennaiplus Blogspot carried news about Valluvarkottam dialysis machine inauguration

Chennaiplus Blogspot carried news about Coimbatore MoU ceremony

The Hindu carried news about the dialysis machines donation to Ambattur unit

The New Indian Express carried news about TANKER Nite 2025

The Hindu carried news about TANKER Nite 2025

Chennaiplus Blogspot carried news about TANKER Nite 2025

Times of India carried news about TANKER Nite 2025

Times of India carried news about MoU signed to start a dialysis unit in Coimbatore

News in 2024

Town News Ambattur edition carried news about Thiruverkadu dialysis machine inauguration on Dec. 15, 2024

Town News Avadi edition carried news about Thiruverkadu dialysis machine inauguration Dec. 14, 2024

Town News Pattabiram edition carried news about Thiruverkadu dialysis machine inauguration Dec. 13, 2024

Town News Thiruninravur edition carried news about Thiruverkadu dialysis machine inauguration Dec. 12, 2024

Town News Thirumullaivoyal edition carried news about Thiruverkadu dialysis machine inauguration Dec. 11, 2024

Town News Ayapakkam edition carried news about Thiruverkadu dialysis machine inauguration Dec. 10, 2024

Chennai Plus blogspot carried news about the Thiruverkadu unit machine inauguration

The Hindu newspaper carried news about new dialysis machine inauguration at Vellore

The Hindu newspaper carried news on golf tourney for awareness about organ donation

Tamil magazine ‘Vedan’ has news about TANKER Foundation’s service

Tamil newspaper ‘Hindu Tamil Disai’ carried an elaborate article on TANKER Foundation’s 31st anniversary

Times of India newspaper carried news about TANKER anniversary

Provoke magazine carried news about the film fundraiser for TANKER

The New Indian Express paper carried news about dialysis machine donation to Ambattur unit

The Hindu newspaper carried news about the dialysis machine donation to Ambattur unit

Chennai Plus online blogspot carried news about Ambattur dialysis machine inauguration

The New Indian Express carried news on TANKER advisory member

The Times of India paper carried news about a fundraiser film for TANKER Foundation

Chennaiplusonline blogspot carried news on WKD activities

The Hindu newspaper published news about TANKER WKD activities

The Hindu newspaper carried news about a WKD activity

Times of India carried news about WKD walkathon

WKD walkathon news appeared in The Hindu newspaper

WKD walkathon news appeared in news portal

The Hindu newspaper carried news about donation of 4 dialysis machines to Ambattur unit

The Hindu newspaper carried news about the Ambattur machine inauguration

Chennaiplusonline blogspot carried news about Ambattur machine donation

Chennaiplusonline blogspot carried news about TANKER Nite

City Air News website carried news about Dr. Georgi Abraham’s book release

VRNews Chennai website featured Dr. Georgi Abraham’s book release

TALK4CITY website carried news about Dr. Georgi Abraham’s book release

POREMURASUTV featured Dr. Georgi Abraham’s book release

Express News featured Dr. Georgi Abraham’s book release

Vtv 24×7 News carried news about Dr. Georgi Abraham’s book release

Chennai Press News featured Dr. Georgi Abraham’s book release

The Hindu newspaper carried news about Dr. Georgi Abraham’s book release

News in 2023

‘The Hindu’ paper carried news about TANKER Foundation Managing Trustee winning an award

Chennaiplusonline blogspot carried news about CME event

The Hindu newspaper carried news about Chennai CME programme

Times of India newspaper carried news about Chennai CME programme

Deccan Chronicle newspaper carried news about Chennai CME programme

Tamil newspaper carried news about Chennai CME programme

The Hindu website carried news about the Chennai CME programme

Malayalam paper Malayala Manorama carried news about the TANKER book release function

Chennaiplus online blogspot carried news about TANKER book release function

The Hindu carried news about TANKER book release function

Chennaiplusonline blogspot carried news about Bethany dialysis centre in Coimbatore

Chennaiplusonline blogspot carried news about the Ambattur donations

Chennai Express paper carried news about the Ambattur dialysis & CCTVs donation

The Hindu published news about the Ambattur dialysis machine & CCTVs donation

The Hindu paper news on Valluvarkottam unit getting 2 dialysis machines for positive wing

The Times of India paper carried news about Vellore dialysis machines inauguration

The Hindu paper carried news about Vellore dialysis machines inauguration

Online magazine Chennai Plus carried news about Vellore dialysis machines inauguration

The Times of India paper carried news about Vellore dialysis machines inauguration

Chennaiplus news about Retteri unit dialysis machines inauguration

The Hindu carried news about Retteri unit dialysis machines inauguration.

Tamil paper Dinamani carried news about World Kidney Day Walkathon

The Hindu paper carried news about World Kidney Day Walkathon

A neighbourhood tabloid covered Valluvarkottam dialysis unit inauguration news

The Hindu paper carried the Valluvarkottam seropositive dialysis unit inauguration news

Greater Chennai Corporation Twitter handle carried the Valluvarkottam seropositive dialysis unit inauguration news

The Hindu paper carried news about the Ambattur unit RO plant inauguration.

Times of India published news about the Ambattur RO plant inauguration

Website Chennai Plus carried news about Vyasarpadi unit inauguration

Tamil daily Dinamalar carried news about Valluvarkottam dialysis unit

The Hindu website carried news about 2023 TANKER awards nite

The Hindu carried news about 30th TANKER awards nite

Vyasarpadi unit inauguration news in The New Express paper

Vyasarpadi unit inauguration news in The Hindu paper

Vyasarpadi unit inauguration news in Times of India newspaper

Vyasarpadi unit inauguration news in Tamil paper Dinakaran:

Vyasarpadi unit inauguration news on Times of India website:

Vyasarpadi unit inauguration in English eveninger News Today:

News in 2022

Dr. Georgi Abraham’s article appeared in Bengali newspaper Sangbad Pratidin.

Malayalam newspaper Malayala Manorama carried news about the TN DGP cycling rally Tuesday, November 15. 2022.

The Hindu newspaper published news about the TN DGP cycling rally on Wednesday, November 16, 2022.

Indian Express paper carried news about nominations for TANKER awards October 15, 2022

Tamil newspaper Dina Thanthi covered the function where BP machines were donated by TANKER Foundation to the police personnel of Thoothukudi October 7, 2022.

Tamil newspaper Dinamalar carried the BP machine donation news.

200 காவல் நிலையங்களுக்கு இரத்த அழுத்த மானிகள் (BP Apparatus) வழங்குதல்

காவல்துறை தலைமை இயக்குநர் அலுவலகத்தில் 03.09.2022-ம் தேதி “டேங்கர் பவுண்டேசன்” (TANKER) அறக்கட்டளை சார்பாக தமிழகத்தில் உள்ள 200 காவல்நிலையங்களுக்கு வழங்குவதற்காக இரத்த அழுத்த மானிகள் (BP Apparatus) காவல்துறை தலைமை இயக்குநர்/ படைத்தலைவர் முனைவர் செ.சைலேந்திரபாபு, IPS., அவர்களிடம் வழங்கப்பட்டது.

இந்நிகழ்வின் போது காவல்துறை கூடுதல் இயக்குநர், சட்டம் மற்றும் ஒழுங்கு, திரு.பி. தாமரைக்கண்ணன், IPS., அவர்கள் உடன் இருந்தார். மேலும் “டேங்கர் பவுண்டேஷன்” சார்பாக Dr. ஜார்ஜி ஆப்ரஹாம், திரு ரேஜி ஆப்ரஹாம், திருமதி இராஜலட்சுமி ரவி, திருமதி ரோஸினி மேனன், திருமதி லதா குமாரசாமி, திருமதி வசந்தி, Dr.சுமத்திரன் மற்றும் உறுப்பினர்கள் கலந்து கொண்டனர். முதல் கட்டமாக வடக்கு மண்டலத்திலுள்ள காவல் நிலைய காவலர்கள் பயன்பாட்டுக்காக 200 இரத்த அழுத்த மானிகள் வழங்கப்பட்டுள்ளன. விரைவில் தமிழ்நாடு முழுவதும் அனைத்து காவல் நிலையங்களுக்கும் இரத்த அழுத்த மானிகள் வழங்கப்பட உள்ளன.

Times of India carried news about Rajan Eye Care Hospital distributing privilege cards.

Malayala Manorama carried news of the BP machine distribution at Avadi police commissionerate

Malayalam paper Mathrubhumi carried news of the Padi dialysis unit inauguration.

Malayalam daily Malayala Manorama published news of the inauguration of Padi dialysis unit.

TANKER work makes news

A detailed news item appeared on News Tamil 24X7 TV channel about free dialysis centres in Chennai.

The channel spoke at length about what the Greater Chennai Corporation is doing to help underprivileged kidney patients in need of regular dialysis.

It mentioned TANKER Foundation as one of the partners of the Corporation in setting up dialysis centres in Chennai and providing free dialyses.

It also referred to the Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme that comes to the rescue of the underprivileged who need to undergo dialysis.

News in 2021

Malayala Manorama newspaper carried news about Thiruvottiyur TANKER dialysis unit inauguration that took place Monday, June 28, 2021.

News in 2020

News in 2019

News in 2018

News in 2017 and Earlier