A screening camp was conducted at the Kasimedu Fisheries Office in Royapuram, Chennai, by the TANKER Awareness and Prevention Program (TAPP) team of TANKER Foundation, benefiting 52 members of the general public.
Date: 21.11.2024
Place: Kasimedu, Royapuram, Chennai
Venue: Fisheries Office, Kasimedu
Numbers of participants: 52 members of the general public
Tests performed: BMI, blood pressure, capillary blood glucose, urine test
Doctor: Dr. Sarvesh
TAPP team: Mrs. Rajalakshmi (Head Tapp), Mrs. Ramapriya, Mr. Hemeshwaran, Mrs. Deepa
Volunteer: Mrs. Bhuvana, Ms. Adi Lakshmi
Remarks: The camp was conducted in collaboration with the Fisheries Office, Kasimedu. In all, 52 individuals were successfully screened.
Cases of high blood pressure and elevated blood sugar levels were identified during the camp. These participants were referred to the nearest primary health centres for consultation.
As part of the camp, Dr. Sarvesh provided dietary advice to the general public, emphasizing on preventive care and healthy lifestyle practices.